The camera that i used to take these pictures was a Canon Eos 1000d.
This is the picture I will use for my contents page. The pose was to show strength and a hard front but yet a relaxation to it -the hands hanging on the jeans. The costume was chosen as this is what rappers wear t-shirts and jeans so sticking to a stereotype. The props used in this is a hat this is important as is in fashion and shows a 'chilled-out' feeling to it.
This picture I will use for my double page spread. This is good for my double page spread because its a different contrast to to the front cover picture this is more playful and brighter, and really show off the personality of the artist. The pose used, is her side on looking away but still connecting with the audience with the emotion in her eyes. The make up is still the same as before because its holding the same significance. However the costume is different as it is more playful and fun, the shorts are floaty show a younger side to her. The props used for this shot is costume jewellery a gold chain that has a bow - shows a playful/wealthy side. Also the gold belt shows the wealth as well, and the pearls on the wrist also connotes this. She also has a microphone which is significant as it reflect the job she does and her passion for it.
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