Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Post Production

1) What do you think was the most successful product? - Front cover

- Contents page

- Double page spread

2)Why do you think that product is the most successful?

3)On the front cover what grabs your attention the most?

4)Do you like the font used for the 'contents' title?

- Yes

- No

5)What product do you think is the weakest?

- Front cover

- Contents page

- Double page spread

6) Why is it the weakest?

7) Do you like the colour scheme on the front cover?

- Yes

- No

8) Do you like the layout of the double page spread?

- Yes

- No

9) Do you think that it is a good choice of costumes for the artists?

- Yes

- No

10) What out of 10 would you rate the overall product as a whole?

Answers from the people!

Mirella Tambini

1 - Front cover

2 - Because it is the most appealing and the masthead stands out the most.

3 - The masthead

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6 - Because it hasn't got as many colour

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Jonathan Paul

1 - Front cover

2 - Because the layout is used well with corresponding conventions to 'VIBE'

3 - The central figure

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6 - Because the rest uses the conventions more effectively

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Susan Walsh

1 - Front Cover

2 - Because it looks professional

3 - The central figure

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6- Because less professional

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Ria Sultana

1 – Double page spread

2 – Because the colours match and don’t clash, relevant amount of information (not overloaded), interesting, original and recognisable font.

3- The striking colours. (The contrast between yellow and black)

4- Yes.

5- Contents page.

6- Large amount of varying fonts.

7- Yes

8- Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

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