My music magazine ‘The Beat’ focuses on hip hop and rap music genre. These members of the audience that are included to these social groups are fun, vibrant personality, extrovert people that express themselves with lyrics, sociable and are fashion-forward (picture 1). The people that would be excluded from these are those people that are generally quiet, or dress extremely/rebel against society (goths and punks etc. - picture 2) and those that keep to themselves. On the front cover of my magazine I used a female hip hop artist as my central figure - although this is breaking a convention as stereotypically they use male hip hop artists/rappers, however there are occasions when they put a female once or twice. The conventions that other magazines follow are that at the front of these genre of magazines the usually have the model has a serious powerful expression so I decided to keep this as it suits the type of music as it is powerful music that reaches out to their audience as usually the artists in this genre write about their past experiences and try to relate it with you. My models costumes in my magazine follow the conventions of other magazines. Firstly, the female model on the front cover follows all of the convention of a female hip hop artists, as they wearing very tight, figure-hugging clothes that tend to show off quite a bit of flesh (picture 3), I have done this so it appeals to the audience because males in the age range between 16 – 24 would be fairly attracted to the model as the more flesh on show brings the sex appeal, on the other hand females in this age range wouldn't be attracted to it because they think the model has sex appeal but because they would want to look like the female on the cover so people are attracted to them. The male model on the contents page the costume that he is wearing follows conventions of other magazines as rappers wear hats so I gave him a hat because it appeals to the audience as they think if you wear a hat your cool type of person and fashionable. In the double page spread the female model that I used for the front cover I used again but had a change of outfit this outfit doesn't follow conventions as it is a different to the usual tight outfits as her shorts are floaty and free, I done this because I thought the audience will be able to connect as there are two sides to her personality the professional music-making side and the fun, care-free party side – this side connects with the audience on the personal level. I used these clothes and props to fit this subculture to appeal the targeted audience of this magazine because they have their individual style.
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