Thursday, April 7, 2011

Evaluation - Question 8

Q8. Evaluate how successful your product is with your target audience using audience feedback.

From doing the audience feedback the majority of the people thought that the most successful product was the front cover, because it was the most appealing out of the three final media products. The things that grabbed the audience’s attention on the front cover was the masthead and the central figure. Even though the audience liked the font for the contents page title, the majority voted it as the weakest product out of all of them, the reasons given for this was that it hasn’t got many colours, because the rest use conventions more effectively, and it looks less professional. Although this was the weakest product everyone agreed that they liked the colour scheme on the front cover, they were attracted to the layout on the double page spread, and it was a good choice of costumes for the artists. The overall view of all my media products together got rated a 9 out of 10. I agree with all the audience comments and views with my magazine that the strongest product is the front cover and the weakest is the contents page. The reasons i think the front cover is because it has the best colour scheme out of them all and it is consistent, it uses key conventions well and stands out in the right ways. The reasons i think the contents page is the weakest is because the choice of fonts weren’t as good as they could of been, it is very plain/not eye-catching enough, and it is not consistent the whole way through. Overall i would give my product an 8 out of 10 because it shows that i have put a lot of effort into it and made mass improvements.

Evaluation - Question 7

Q7. Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to a full product?

If I look back to the preliminary task and compare it with the full product now I have made different approaches. For the main task the approach I took was better than the one I took for the preliminary task. Firstly, more research was done for the full media product – there was a wider range of people that done the questionnaires, I targeted what the audience’s profile would be, and gotten feedback after the finish product was made. Secondly, I used my time more effectively in the main task, instead of what I done in the preliminary task where I didn’t spend as much time on some place as I did on others. I managed the equipment and other resources by taking the photographs as soon as possible so I keep my pace with my magazine, also every time we had a Photoshop lesson I would use that time effectively because didn’t have Photoshop at home and the research and planning was done at home. The human resources i.e. the models used for my magazine was organised by me telling them when I want to take the photo shoot of them and what type of costumes they are wearing for the shoot. However, for the preliminary task I wasn’t as organised as I could have been although with the human resources I was time effective. The audience feedback confirmed expectations because as I went through the tasks the audience/reader profile got stronger and stronger due to all the research being done and it’s from other conventional magazine that I used the ideas from and then developed giving it my own personal touch. In the preliminary task there was a problem with the photography as it looked amateurish, so I had to solve this problem for my real task and I did this by getting a high-quality camera, also I took the pictures on a white/black background instead of outside where you cannot really control the lighting. Furthermore, the was another problem that I solved which was that in the preliminary task I have not yet developed the skill on Photoshop, therefore the cropping out looks unprofessional therefore I had to develop my skills on Photoshop, which then worked out for my full media product. In my preliminary task on the front cover of the college magazine the model is holding a prop (folder) to represent education as you could assume it is anything professional but not specifically school, however I made a creative decision for my music magazine I decided to go with no props because it was straightforward with a music magazine and I didn’t want it to be gimmicky. The drafts are important because it gives you an idea of where you are heading for and also it helps you think of new ideas while you are in the construction of the your magazine. For the college magazine the drafts were very simple which made it hard for me to spring new ideas from it, therefore I developed on that for the main task and made a more detailed draft.

Evaluation - Question 6

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of creating this product I have learnt many new technological things. Firstly, photography and lighting, I learnt how to use a Canon Eos 1000D and as I took all the pictures at home I used my own lighting and used a black or white background so the picture would be of best quality and look like it was professionally done in a studio. The software that I used the most to construct my media product was Photoshop CS5. On Photoshop I have learnt to use different program tools, the first tools I learnt to use were ones to do with cropping, ‘magnetic lasso’, ‘magic wand’ and ‘lasso tool’. I used these because I needed to crop the photographs of the models neatly. I also learnt how to use ‘blender options’ this is where you can make something thick to transparent, this was used for things such as the ‘a’ on the double page spread. I did this to add the little extra detail that will attract the reader in. In addition I used ‘drop shadow’ – the title on the double page spread and ‘outer glow’ – cover lines on the front cover. I did this to add that you modern vibe to it where it is excitable to look at and attracts the audience in. Technology allowed me to put all my creative ideas on my magazine, things such as having the central figure on top of the masthead and the layouts of my magazine.

Evaluation - Question 5

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

‘The Beat’ magazine attracts the target audience with its pages, and how the features, photography and cover lines would help to persuade my target audience to buy my magazine because firstly; the features of my different pages are captivating as it has bright vibrant colours and its layout, especially in the front cover where there has been different text fonts used and effects been done to the text (the use of outer glow and background block colours), also the layout in the double page spread is exciting as it has a consistent colour scheme running through it, yet it simple but has a lot of things going on at the same time. What grabs the audience’s attention is the title on this page, the quotes (outer glow has been used here), the images and the text. The little features that I added that would attract the reader, things such as the big almost transparent ‘a’ on the double page spread and the spray image (just above where it says exclusive) because it shows that I paid attention to detail and thought that the little things will make it stand out from these conventional magazines. The photography addresses the audience as the pictures from the front cover and double page spread makes a connection with the expressions and body language of the model used and shows them what they aspire to look like/be with. The cover lines that would persuade the reader to buy ‘The Beat’ magazine they are bold, bright and big which would draw the reader in as it grabs the audience’s attention. The type of language I have used in these pages is street slang, I did this because I wanted to reach out to the audience as they are the most important part of making a magazine, also I put the slang in particular place – the article on the double page spread. I have done this so that the audience can be interested when the read the article, enjoy it thoroughly and understand it. An important part of making a magazine is selecting the fonts used, the types of fonts that were good for my target audience was one that was bold and had a fun element to it. The rest of the font’s used were sans serif, except the actual article which was time new roman – a conventional font for articles. San serif was used because it highlights the fact that it is reaching out to the younger generation because it is a more modern type of font. As spoke about in the last few questions the way the models were dressed/styled are also factors to addressing the audience of my magazine because the age of the models are around the targeted audience’s age and the way they are dressed/styled are the ways that those who are reading the magazine should use as a stencil for the way they dress. The attractiveness of the model as said before is important in getting the audience to purchase the magazine this is why I used these models for my magazine.

[Picture 1]

Evaluation - Question 4

Q4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

From my earlier research I profiled the audience for my music magazine ‘The Beat’. The range of people I asked a questionnaire to were of the age of 16+, these people were mostly into hip hop, grime and r’n’b, however I decided to make a hip hop and rap magazine because it suited each other, furthermore the music genre grime is a form of rap. They are passionate about music, fashion-forward, sociable and love going to different parties.

Evaluation - Question 3

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media intstitution that might distribute my media product is IPC Media is the UK’s leading consumer magazine publisher. I think that they would publish my music magazine because its does magazines that would connect to the type of audience i am trying to profile, for instance they do the leading magazine brand in photography which will connect with my targeted audience because they would be into cretive thing and technology. Also they do a few fashion magazines where this targets my audience as in my music magazine the artists are on-trend models for their audience. IPC Media does a music magazine but it is a different genre to me so the competition wont be as competitive as it would be if there was to be the same type of magazine. I would be beneficial for this company to publish my magazine ‘The Beat’ for several reasons; firstly, my music magazine will be bring something new and fresh to the companies brands that they publish now; secondly, the company will get more money because i will encourage the company that you can subscirbe to my magazine; thirdly, the magazine will bring a bigger range of audience and the more audience the more income. I would distribute my magazine in newsagents and stations, the reason for this is because the targetted audience are young so they will be going out using trains/buses etc so at stations is a perfect place for them to pick up the magazine and read on their journeys, also in newsagents because young people love to eat sweets/chocolates/fizzy drinks when they are out so they ‘pop-in’ to the newsagent and will end up being attracted to ‘The Beat’ magazine and buy it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Evaluation - Question 2

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine ‘The Beat’ focuses on hip hop and rap music genre. These members of the audience that are included to these social groups are fun, vibrant personality, extrovert people that express themselves with lyrics, sociable and are fashion-forward (picture 1). The people that would be excluded from these are those people that are generally quiet, or dress extremely/rebel against society (goths and punks etc. - picture 2) and those that keep to themselves. On the front cover of my magazine I used a female hip hop artist as my central figure - although this is breaking a convention as stereotypically they use male hip hop artists/rappers, however there are occasions when they put a female once or twice. The conventions that other magazines follow are that at the front of these genre of magazines the usually have the model has a serious powerful expression so I decided to keep this as it suits the type of music as it is powerful music that reaches out to their audience as usually the artists in this genre write about their past experiences and try to relate it with you. My models costumes in my magazine follow the conventions of other magazines. Firstly, the female model on the front cover follows all of the convention of a female hip hop artists, as they wearing very tight, figure-hugging clothes that tend to show off quite a bit of flesh (picture 3), I have done this so it appeals to the audience because males in the age range between 16 – 24 would be fairly attracted to the model as the more flesh on show brings the sex appeal, on the other hand females in this age range wouldn't be attracted to it because they think the model has sex appeal but because they would want to look like the female on the cover so people are attracted to them. The male model on the contents page the costume that he is wearing follows conventions of other magazines as rappers wear hats so I gave him a hat because it appeals to the audience as they think if you wear a hat your cool type of person and fashionable. In the double page spread the female model that I used for the front cover I used again but had a change of outfit this outfit doesn't follow conventions as it is a different to the usual tight outfits as her shorts are floaty and free, I done this because I thought the audience will be able to connect as there are two sides to her personality the professional music-making side and the fun, care-free party side – this side connects with the audience on the personal level. I used these clothes and props to fit this subculture to appeal the targeted audience of this magazine because they have their individual style.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Evaluation - Question 1

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For my media product of a music magazine I used the conventions of ‘VIBE’ magazine as a model. The first key convention I took from ‘VIBE’ magazine to use for my own magazine was having the masthead at the top of the magazine front cover and the artist over the top of some of the masthead (see picture 1) as this is effective to the audience, can be remembered and highlights the importance of the artist. Another convention that I used from this magazine is using the names of the artists that are featured in the magazine at the top of the masthead in a smaller font size. A ‘VIBE’ convention that is used is that they take either a close-up shot, medium close-up shot and a medium shot for their front cover (see picture 1). Out of all of these shots I used a medium shot as this showed of more the costume of the central figure (see picture 2). For the contents page I used the forms that ‘VIBE’ magazine used so this means, I utilised the ‘contents’ title (see both the real media product 3 & my own product picture 4) it was a modern take on what is stereotypical contents title would be. Another convention that I took from the magazine is the first letter of the magazine in big in the background and that artist slightly overlapping it (see picture 5). For my double page spread the convention that I used was the large image of the artist on one side of the page, however what I decided to different is instead of having different images of the artist at the top in black and white (see picture 6) I put her name at the top with a quote next to it (see picture 7).

I followed most of the general key conventions, however there were a few things that challenge and develop these conventions. The first convention I challenged was the central figure on the front cover, stereotypically they always use a male figure (see picture 8) on the front yet used a female. I did this to show that women (see picture 2) can be just as powerful and attract the target audience to as well as a male. Another form that I decided to modify is the use of just one quote. I took this and did 3 instead as I thought it will draw the reader in immediately to the article.

- Picture 1

- Picture 2

- Picture 3

- Picture 4

- Picture 5

- Picture 6

- Picture 7

- Picture 8

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Post Production

1) What do you think was the most successful product? - Front cover

- Contents page

- Double page spread

2)Why do you think that product is the most successful?

3)On the front cover what grabs your attention the most?

4)Do you like the font used for the 'contents' title?

- Yes

- No

5)What product do you think is the weakest?

- Front cover

- Contents page

- Double page spread

6) Why is it the weakest?

7) Do you like the colour scheme on the front cover?

- Yes

- No

8) Do you like the layout of the double page spread?

- Yes

- No

9) Do you think that it is a good choice of costumes for the artists?

- Yes

- No

10) What out of 10 would you rate the overall product as a whole?

Answers from the people!

Mirella Tambini

1 - Front cover

2 - Because it is the most appealing and the masthead stands out the most.

3 - The masthead

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6 - Because it hasn't got as many colour

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Jonathan Paul

1 - Front cover

2 - Because the layout is used well with corresponding conventions to 'VIBE'

3 - The central figure

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6 - Because the rest uses the conventions more effectively

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Susan Walsh

1 - Front Cover

2 - Because it looks professional

3 - The central figure

4 - Yes

5 - Contents

6- Because less professional

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Ria Sultana

1 – Double page spread

2 – Because the colours match and don’t clash, relevant amount of information (not overloaded), interesting, original and recognisable font.

3- The striking colours. (The contrast between yellow and black)

4- Yes.

5- Contents page.

6- Large amount of varying fonts.

7- Yes

8- Yes

9 - Yes

10 - 9

Monday, April 4, 2011

Double Page Spread

Contents Page

Front Cover

Reader Profile

Jerome, 19, is obsessed with his rap and hip hop music: it keeps him informed about the latest fashion, lifestyles and artists. From when he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep he connects with his music. When he is not watching his favorite music channels, or listening to music, he is talking about music and going to raves/parties that these stars may make an appearance in. He is heavily influenced by these artists and scenes however he sets the trends amongst his friends. He is so passionate about rap that he writes his own songs, and goes to his local studios to record it. The way he lives and breaths his music this is his 'identity' to everyone.

The targeted audience will be into these things below;

Friday, April 1, 2011

Drafts of My Pages

The Original Pictures That Were Used in My Music Magazine

The camera that i used to take these pictures was a Canon Eos 1000d.

The picture I will use for my front cover. I took up to 80+ shots, however this shot was chosen as because her pose shows she is strong, independent and tough - this genre of music hip hop/rap is all about being tough and standing out. The fact that stereotypically it would be a male on the front cover, I chose to put a female as from time to time these hip hop/rap magazines break out of this stereotype and put a female on the front cover. The make up use is sharp but subtle, so this means hard cheeks to outline her cheek bones but using a subtle pink tone, sharp black eyes (mascara & eyeliner) however light eyeshadow to contrast this and a nude pink lips. The props used for the front cover, is the jewellery - the watch connotes that she has money and she wants to show that. The costume used for the front cover is appealing to the male audience (targetted audience) but also to the few female ones to as they wouldn't mind looking like her. The top is cropped so showing flesh which brings sex appeal which the skirt also has as it is figure hugging showing off her curves.

This is the picture I will use for my contents page. The pose was to show strength and a hard front but yet a relaxation to it -the hands hanging on the jeans. The costume was chosen as this is what rappers wear t-shirts and jeans so sticking to a stereotype. The props used in this is a hat this is important as is in fashion and shows a 'chilled-out' feeling to it.

This picture I will use for my double page spread. This is good for my double page spread because its a different contrast to to the front cover picture this is more playful and brighter, and really show off the personality of the artist. The pose used, is her side on looking away but still connecting with the audience with the emotion in her eyes. The make up is still the same as before because its holding the same significance. However the costume is different as it is more playful and fun, the shorts are floaty show a younger side to her. The props used for this shot is costume jewellery a gold chain that has a bow - shows a playful/wealthy side. Also the gold belt shows the wealth as well, and the pearls on the wrist also connotes this. She also has a microphone which is significant as it reflect the job she does and her passion for it.