Monday, November 29, 2010

Evaluation of Preliminary

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In my college front cover I used a master head, medium close-up image and cover lines. All these are stereotypical magazine conventions. I developed the convetion of the stereotypical masthead as i used a fun font which attrects the target audience as using stereotypical fonts such as aerial can bore the audience before they have even started reading the magazine.

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The magazine front cover tries to include every type of individual as it has cover-lines that includes most aspects in school/college life. Therefore not trying to leave people out making it universal.

Q3. How did you attract/address your audience?

I profiled the audience with a questionnaire and put it into graphs. Also i used a young male around the same age as the profiled audience on the front cover to draw their attention so they know its reaching out to them.

Q4. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to use photoshop and do various techniques. The techniques i used for the magazine front cover and the contents page are cropping (using the lasso tool), also how to make a drop shadow/inner shadow, make new layers, contrast, brightness, and sharpness.

Q5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your final product?

The strengths of my final product:

1. It had good research to get to the final product (profiling the audience).

2.. It reflects the task (you will know that it is something to do with school/college)

3. The contents page uses a range of different techniques.

The weaknesses of my final product:

1. The front cover isn’t as attractive as it could of been.

2. The picture crop was messy.

3. 3It could of had a more significant relfectiong of school/college.